This happened to me at 3 months and lasted over 2 months. I learned from the whole process that it happens to a LOT of people for a LOT of reasons, and is usually fine. In my case it was a low placenta causing the bleeding, but they would have seen that in her ultrasounds. My doctor reassured me not to worry about the bleeding, but since I was also having chronic cramping, I was put on bed rest for 2 months, but it passed and the whole scenario turned out fine-I'm due the 16th!
My nurse said she had profuse bleeding for a few weeks in her pregnancy that turned out to be rupturing blood blisters not related to pregnancy-forget what she said exactly, but she was bleeding heavily for weeks and all turned out well. I have several step sisters who bled at various times during their pregnancies.
Here are the main things to remember:
1)This is common
2)There is nothing you can "do" (according to my doctor) as in medications etc, so the only choice is to wait it out.
3)You have tons of blood, so even if you're losing a lot, don't be alarmed the baby has plenty.
Tell her to relax and wait, call her Dr whenever she wants to-never feel bad- and stay off her feet whenever possible if any discomfort starts.
I agree she should see a different specialist if she feels something more serious is wrong, also, I found out my cramping was due to "irritable uterus) which my friend discovered, and was dehydration. Even though I drank a lot of water, I needed MUCH more, and the pain stopped almost right away. Keep activity minimal, and drink drink drink!