Wash everything when you get back. Take as much of his stuff with you as possible and don't put it back until you've washed EVERYTHING. Wipe down his crib, stroller, everything with soap and water.
I killed a black widow outside my apt door the other night and told management. Theyre coming in a couple hours to "bomb" the apt. I asked twice if it were safe since we have a 4 month old baby and they said yes after 4 hours. We need to leave for 4 hours then it'd be safe. Im still worried though. What about his toys & blankets? Do i leave it all here? :{
Good ? Christina N. I forgot to mention the rest of the bugs/insects, that was the most recent. Anyway thank you Ladies for the quick replies, Ive decided to hold off on the fogger..too dangerous IMO id rather not risk it. Thanks again !!
Wash everything when you get back. Take as much of his stuff with you as possible and don't put it back until you've washed EVERYTHING. Wipe down his crib, stroller, everything with soap and water.
Cover up his things. We bomb every 3-4 months because we live in a wooded area, often have coperhead snakes WAY too close to my door.
We set the bombs and leave for about 4 hrs, dogs and everyone. I make sure I cover bedding and when I get back, I wash all the bedding, put toys in plastic bags, any fruit or veggie goes in the fridge.
This is the hardest time of year to do it because it is so hot. It works for us and we've never had a big issue.
Bug bombs are poison, and proven to be highly carcinogenic. I'm so glad you've decided not to bomb. We live in a world of insects, creepy-crawlies, and slimies, and have to learn to coexist without poisoning everything for our personal comfort (and poisoning ourselves in the process). Most bugs and insects are not truly harmful to us, so why get rid of them?
Do not bug bomb. Why don't you go out on the net to find out how dangerous it is to spray for bugs.
Get in touch with NW Coalition Against Pesticides. They can tell you what to use that is toxic for the spiders and not to your precious baby.
Childhood leukemias are caused by pesticides.
Put baby's toys, bedding, clothing in plastic bags and seal up. Cover all beds and furniture with sheets that you can wash later. Wash all bedding when done. Vaccuum well and mop all floors.
Before you leave spend the time to cover things like toys and tvs with towels or blankets.Make sure all food is put away in cupboards not left out on counters(also dishes) After returning home wipe things down (counters etc..)wash all blankets and towels used.Most importantly open all windows to air apartmant out.Hope this helps.
I'm wondering why you feel the need to bomb after seeing one spider.