I haven't had problems conceiving, but I know many that have. Do you have the book, "Taking Charge of Your Fertility"? GET IT!
Good luck.
Hi Moms! Just wondering if anyone has had problems with clomid after already conceiving on it? We had our first on our own, after 1 1/2 years of trying. Then got pregnant on 50mg on the first round of clomid and had our second. Now, I am on 100mg (different doc)and am done with my 4th month and nothing! They did a blood test during the 3rd month and I did ovulate, so it is working...but still I am not getting pregnant. Has anyone had any similar experiences? It is so frustrating when it happened so fast the first time.
I haven't had problems conceiving, but I know many that have. Do you have the book, "Taking Charge of Your Fertility"? GET IT!
Good luck.
I had my son using clomid. We haven't tried for number 2 yet, but what did help us with my son was that I used over the counter ovulation kit, just to make sure and help us know when I was ovulating without a trip to the Drs office.
Just a suggestion.
Good Luck to you!
I can totally relate to you! I conceived my 2nd child on my 4th cycle of 50mg. We tried 50mg the first cycle when trying for #3, and it didn't work, so I went up to 100mg the 2nd cycle, and got pregnant. We then wanted to try for #4, so I did the 1st cycle at 100mg, no luck. I was then diagnosed with PCOS, so we added Metformin along with another cycle of 100mg, it worked, but I did not get pregnant. We went on to do 6 cycles of 100mg, no luck. I went to see a fertility specialist, one more round of clomid, this time it was 150mg. It worked, but no preganancy. We have now given up for the time being....
I hope you don't go through the same struggles I have, and you are able to conceive. Good Luck!
I conceived of my first child after about 5 months, certainly not being "careful", but not necessarily trying. That ended in miscarriage, then a few months later, conceived again. After 2+ years of not conceiving(and not being "careful") I was diagnosed with pcos-not ovulating. They put me on Clomid, 50mg, I believe, and in my last cycle that I was going to take, I conceived, and am now 6 months. I think sometimes it takes a while. Maybe you should ask about it though.
Good luck to you!!!!