I dont think having baby in bed with you is anything to feel badly about. Cosleeping is a safe & pretty awesome thing. Not an oops at all, in my book. :)
Our three have all slept with us & so far they're turning out pretty all-right. Madison went to her own bed at 3 1/2 (easy transition) & has been comfy tere ever since. Meara went about 2 1/2 but still sneaks in with us in the early morning hours (she's 3 now). Baby Maisie is 10 mos & currently cozy in our bed every night. We've got an Arm's Reach co-sleeper bed for her for those special ;) times.
My husband & I both enjoy having had our girls with us. They're cuddly & lovey & we feel good about our choice. None of us suffer for it, in terms of loss of sleep for us or inability to gain independence for the girls.
If you like having your baby in bed with you, keep him there. IMO, babies belong with their mommas & mommas belong with their babies. Esepcially if he's feeling yucky, you should help him through it by giving him even more cuddles. Sleep training, in my view, is like potty training. Let it come naturally & you'll all be happier & healthier for it.
Cosleeping isn't for everyone, but if it works for you & you're comfortable with it, keep doing it. You won't ruin him or create a sleep monster or keep him from growing into a smart, happy, healthy little boy.
Also, if he'll sleep in the swing, let him. I've learned to let the child sleep where she will & be thankful she's sleeping! :)
My eldest had tubes at 18 mos. Awesome! After months of ear infections every 4-6 weeks, she had the tubes in & not a single ear infection until she was 6 years old (the tubes had fallen out on their own long before then.)
sorry fr any typos...nursing baby! :)