Most schools will give out an information sheet with parents of the same class, this usually includes your contact info. In your post you said you know your son will get into trouble if he is not busy and that you are working with him through this. I bet this isnt the first time this father hears about this, to be truthful I would be pretty upset if my daughter was scratched, I think children have different personalities and I understand this but it just isnt fair to have one child in a classroom acting up all the time because he/she isnt busy, its not fair for the other children who are most of the time well behaved. Also pulling hair is not ok, it seems to show a bit of agression and I would be livid if I had a child pulling my daughters hair? I know both sides of this, my daughter has always been very well behaved, she is sweet and caring and very respectful of everyone's space and she has gotten bullied before by other children her same age for whatever reason it isnt right and I have the right to be upset and find out what is going on. On the other hand my son is a handful, he is 5 now and is calming down a bit but between 2 and 4 he was very active and distracted so he would push other children just because he wanted to get ahead to the slide or things like that and I was very aware that this could upset other parents and it would be their right. But also my son was not intentionally hitting or pulling hair and scratching. I think that we all parent differently I am not a tolerant parent when it comes to things like this with my own children so I expect the parents in my childs class to be as involved, if the other parent is very tolerant and doesnt discipline enough then they have to understand that there will be many times when other parents will be asking what is going on. I have worked overtime to show my son he has to respect other people in every way, being bored isnt an excuse. Also I dont think this parent is attacking your child, he went directly to you. I think you can ask the school how they handle these situations, some schools will encourage the parents to talk and some will not.