A., it's a really tough decision and one each woman (couple) has to make for themselves. especially in these tough economic times, a lot of times finances are a huge concern. that's my biggest hangup. do we really need another child? what for? would we be fine without another one? probably. but it's our instict as a female human being that drives us to reproduce. i just mostly wanted to say, i'm not certain most people are ever 100% sure. there's always concerns and doubts as to whether it's the right thing. what if you bring this child into the world, for your own reasons, and it has major health problems? what if something happens? there are always risks. i think it's like a lot of people say, you're never really "prepared", so you either just go for it, or you wait. try weighing the pros and cons, reasons for and against, having another one. maybe that will help. i've found most of the times questions like yours usually lead to the person convincing themself that what they truly want to do is the "right" answer. so as time goes on you may start to lean more one way than the other, more often...then you'll know. good luck. give it time and you'll figure out what you really want.