For a diaper bag think what will fit you. I never could stand having 2 bags or the shoulder bag as it would constantly fall off, so i went for the backpack option. Target has a nice big one if you like to pack alot like me. Plus it hooks onto the stroller. Dadgear makes it. I didnt like the changing pad with it so i bought the disposable pads for when we went out. Also, the formulas give a type out at certain hospitals. Sign up for the formula deals and see which one works for you. Note Enfamil smells the least. Put a cup of 20 mule borax in the wash with baby clothes to help get rid of pee or spit up smell. All clear has less perfumes as Dreft and works the same. Regardless of degrent put less then usual.
Sign up for registers at babiesrus and target for extra freebies
Instead of buying a changing table, you can always secure a pad on a dressor and save some money that way.
Dont buy a bottle warmer, it doesnt work. But dont warm the bottle in the microwave. Either warm a separate container of water to warm up bottles or i measure the water and then nuke the water for 10 sec and shake well.
A bottle drying rack is a must. Dont get the cheap bottles, hard for babies to get the formula and makes them very gassy. Dr brown's is a favorite of my friends and I stuck with playtex.
I liked the pampers swaddlers diapers cause they have a yellow line that turns green when wet. They are a bit more but even my hubby could tell when the baby was wet. Less baby rashes as a result.
For the first weeks sleepers are the best buy about 5 and thebn that will get you through 2 days. YOu dont need alot of clothes the first months. NOte Gerber onesises run really small their 12months = 6months.
BUMBO is wonderful. Look at secondhand stores for stuff. Once a upon a child has locations everywhere. You can find things lIke babyswings, bumbo, highchairs, baths,etc. I got a rainforest swing brand new 130 for 50 and best part it plugs into the wall so no batteries required. Swings are a must. It rocks them while you take a break to say eat or whatever.
the baby bath i used for a few months. The first i took in the bath with me and we had fun playing together. With my second, i used for about 6 months then got a bath seat for the big tub. I gave my babies baths almost everyday.
Strollers- get a jogging traveling system that the stroller folds up. Its easier to push through grass and get through stores. Car seats I aways buy new. I am not a fan of cosco strollers, i didnt find them sturdy enough. Shop around cause this is a big money item.
Cribs- I like the ones that turn into a toddler bed. It uses the same mattress and you can still use the fitted crib sheets. Toddler sheets are looser and easier to put on. Walmart has alot stuff i recommend for cheap. Note: 3 is the magic number for crib sheets and change pads.
Baby powder not needed. Can get into their lungs and create problems.
Those receiveing blankets make good spit rags or cloth diapers are thicker. I used the blankets for both kids and they are great for just about anything.
Join a warehouse club- sams, costco or bjs for great deals on diapers, formulas, etc. Its a small fee (50 bucks or less) but will save you hundreds of dollars.
Join a playgroup. Look at churches, ask people at the mall if they know some,, or a web search. If you dont like the group try another. With my second i have found life long friends, advice, adn great support. I dont let just anyone watch my kids but the group i can.
Finally, a few lessons i had to learn are:
"Dont be afraid to ask for help, or try to be perfect mom, and every mom has a few things they are quirky about."
If you have any other questions or just whatever give me a shout and
CONGRATS, motherhood is the best.