Hi, no honey until two years old due to risk of botulism-type poisoning (babies can't digest it like we do), so it's too much of a risk. But you could use plain mustard, you never know, kids like strange things! Or I like the other mom's suggestion of using warmed up baby veggies for dipping. As far as a sippy, I like every kind but the take-n-toss variety which is a shame since it's not big deal ifyou lose it. My 1 y/o Sarah has discovered if she drops it hard enough, the top pops loose and all the liquid pours out on the floor. Great fun! For feeding herself, it's great that she has the pincher grasp already but babies aren't that accurate at this age, so she may accidentally mash it on her chin, cheeck or forehead as Sarah did, until she really was able to refine her hand to mouth movements, around 10 1/2 months. But I would encourage her to try to do herself & you fee her as needed, give her extra time & be prepared for a lot of cleanup, since this is how babies explore their worlds & you'll want her to enjoy eating and not make it a battle (I know from experience w/my first). Give her a little spoon to play with and practice holding onto, they seem to enjoy imitating us adults, and at one, my dtr can bring the spoon to her mouth more often than not, if I put applesauce on it before I give it to her. She looks so proud of herself! I hope this helps.