She might have to pee. Do you do diaper changes during the night? She might not like the feeling of peeing in a diaper and that is what unsettles her. google elimination communication for lots more info.
It could also be teeth coming in... Hylands teething tabs always worked for us. At 10 months still encourage resting and at minimum quiet time. Sleep begets sleep.
A.- I was never able to do Tracys suggestion- especially for a baby under a year. So if you don't think you can do it- don't start. We always shifted what we were doing with our son to meet his needs- allowing ourselves to try something different- because as he grew (had teething, growth spurts and colds) his sleeping habits changed. You might find that a week from now if you keep doing the same thing, she may sleep through more. You may find- to get your daughter to sleep without nursing (to sleep- the understood part being that you still nurse her before or at her bedtime) that your husband has to be the one to put her to bed. Have you been in touch with your local LLL group? Every time I went- there were plenty of mothers there with the same issue - babies at different ages and stages. All come to the conclusion that you do what is best for you at the time, and if it means co sleeping and nursing on demand- to sleeping in another room with the baby- to nursing in a chair in the babys room and putting the baby back in a crib- any solution was fine as long as it worked for you at that moment. I found that W changed in the way he fell asleep- by the time he was just over 2 years old there was a time when he would not fall asleep nursing and so THEN I let him hang out in his room and fall asleep on his own, putting a gate up. I was then able to be strict with myself and not go to him- and he would fall asleep. At that point he knew I still existed if I dissapeared... under a year they don't know that concept. She may very well be going through a growth spurt and need the calories.