I ended up having 5 miscarriages before my doctor sent me to a specialist. Only one of those did I have a D&C where they were able to test our child for chromosome issues and ours was a trisomy (where they get three of one chromosome instead of only two). Our sweet child had they lived would have had severe heart issues and odds of survival were very slim. Didn't mean I didn't want that baby desperately and would have loved them just they way they came.
We were very concerned and had genetic testing done...which came back normal.
It turned out I had uterine polyps which kept our children from growing past a certain point and then I would miscarry. I had surgery to have that fixed and our son came 11 months later...
We know we are pregnant so much sooner these days than our mothers did...mine told me you had to miss three periods before you could go see your OB back in her day there were no tests.
I am sending you a great big hug!! I know how hard it is to lose a pregnancy...all those hopes and dreams for that child's future are suddenly gone. I bought a small baby item for each of my pregnancies to remember them by because even if we only had 10 - 12 weeks together they were a part of me.
They usually tell you to wait three months before trying again it is to heal emotionally not really because of any medical reason. So when you are ready to try again...go for it...we have two happy and healthy children!! Took us a while and another miscarriage between the two of them but it was all worth it to have them in our lives!! HUGS!!