I agree with the other postings, you have to be firm and not give in. Her screaming, throwing of toys, and yes, possibly even vomiting is her way of getting your attention. I went through this too. If/When I DID go into the room, it was only to take care of the vomit - NO TALKING, no other attention or soothing. My friend suggested making the bed, THEN putting leakproof pad over the first fitted sheet, then putting a second fitted sheet over the pad. This allows you to remove the top fitted sheet and waterproof pad and still have a "made bed" after an incidents.
Here's a suggestion - how about if your husband calls at 8pm to say good night. Then when he DOES come home, he stays where she can't hear him, like the basement. He's not allowed to intervene, or this will encourage her "staying up" to see him when he gets home. It also might help if on the evenings he's going to be "late" if he can spend some extra time with her in the mornings.
Finally, on nights my girls KNOW Daddy's not going to be home for dinner (which is maybe once a week or so), we go out to "a breakfast dinner" or have a "movie night". Now they can't wait for Dad to not be home! They love the special time when he's out.
Hope this helps!