At this age she should be sleeping through the night for sure! The most likely problem is not that she's hungry in the night, but that its become a habit. And as all bad habits, you have to break it. How to do that...well, there are lots of different ideas out there on getting rid of the nighttime feeding, and I don't even want to pretend that I'm an expert on that. I honestly don't remember when we got rid of the night feeding with my son, I think it was around six months. When he would wake up, I would just calm him and put him back to sleep, no feeding and it didn't seem to bother him. At an older age, that will be harder to do, so I like the idea of just offering water, no milk. My daughter has been sleeping through the night since she was 2 months old, and I didn't do anything to make this happen, she just started sleeping about 10 hours a night, so we're just lucky there! Good luck and stick with it, it will probably be hard at first because one year olds are stubborn about what they want! But your unbroken sleep will be so worth it!!!