I pretty much carried and held my high needs child 24/7 for 16 months and then had a bit of a breakdown because I was so tired of being his "lovey".
He didn't sleep through the night until between 16 to 18 months. He hated swaddling or being laid down...it was in my arms or in the swing.
I was sleep deprived and overwhelmed...no one told me there was such a thing as a high needs baby.
Finally I put him in a two day a week program (Mother's Day Out) so I could go home and sleep or just be alone for a few hours.
My advice is don't let him wear you out...take sometime for yourself because they are very intense children.
He is now a very intense and sensitive seven year old...he still keeps me on my toes but it does get better. He is very gifted in artistic areas. His teachers are amazed at his mind and the way it works.
I love him so much and his uniqueness is awesome and tiring at times...and most other moms have no idea what you are dealing with and sometimes will tell you that you just need to disciple him more or parent differently and they will "change" into easier children. Nope...he just came wired this way...I have molded him into some better habits and behaviors, but he will always be his high needs/sensitive self.
My daughter is so typical...she follows all the child-rearing books to a tee...she is so different from him but we are all unique individuals.