Hi Catrina - I just wanted to pop in and give you a different outlook - most of your responders are SAHM's and loving every minute of it.
I'm a working mom - and went to work when my son was about 4 months old. I've never regretted a moment of it. Sure, I wish I was "there", but honestly, I could not imagine not working, and that doesn't make me any less of a mom. I love my child to the depth of my being, but I did not want to be a SAHM.
I found excellent care for him and became very involved in that care. Frankly, he is as advanced as he is because of his childcare - if I were at home with him everyday, I guarantee you I would have slid and let him watch TV while I pay bills or just do some quick chores, etc. Instead, because he's in childcare, I have a very intelligent child who is creative. I have boxes and boxes of artwork already. His mental development is about a year ahead of schedule (he's 3). And it's his childcare that's done this, not me. He has a lot of friends and absolutely loves going to school.
Working was the best decision for me and my family. Sure, financially it's nice, but I needed to make sure I remained a separate person besides "mommy", and I know my personality - if I stayed at home, I would not socialize like I should. I would end up a hermit, and that wouldn't be good for me or my son. Working makes me a better wife, too. I have a fantastic husband, and we equally share pretty much all parenting duties. (I still do more housework, but he does more yardwork). We've created a very strong partnership in our quest to give my son an excellent life. I'm very proud of my life and it is exactly in balance for me (except for my long commute! Grr!)
I could never be a SAHM. I don't have the patience or the stamina to do it, and because of that insight, I know my son is better off in a high-quality care situation. For others, they very much excel at staying at home, as their personalities are geared for it. Mine is not. And I know it.
Everybody is different. Those that choose to work (not because financially they need to) can give you a very long list of "pro-working", and those that choose to stay at home can also give you a very long list of "pro-stay at home". I honestly think your personality is what will dictate it. So really think through your decision. It's great to get others' opinions, but they don't matter. An opinion is just that, an opinion - and usually, when you solicit for opinions you get the passionate people responding, and they're only passionate about their choice, which usually will not help you make a decision for just you. What matters is how you envision your life, your family. What do you ultimately want it to look like?
I love being a mom. It's the greatest gig ever. And I made choices in my life that allow me to continue to love my life. Loving my life makes me a better mom and so I get a better child. It's all a trickle affect. If you love staying at home, then do it. If you love working, then work. Just visualize your dream life and then make it happen. Your girls need a mommy that loves herself and loves her life - be that mommy. Good luck in whatever you decide to do - S.