Hi Nancy,
My daughter as an infant was 'fussy'. Part of it was a non-tolerance to foods I was eating (I nursed) and part of it was she just needed a lot of interaction. She did NOT want to just lay around and stare at the ceiling. If she was awake then she wanted interaction. Ok. No problem. I will say, she was also not a good sleeper. Sleep is for the WEAK! ;-) (I'm also not a CIO mom for babies under a year old)
Now, she is 20 months old. Yes, she is a handful...but I wouldn't want it any other way. She is so very curious about her world. She loves to learn, loves to explore, loves to do new things. We encourage this. We encourage her thirst for knowledge. At 20 months she can recognize now upwards of 6 letters, can put on her socks, shoes, pants, and coat and we are currently in the process of potty training. I know that sounds like a lot... and some will most likely criticize and say she's too young for this stuff, but it is really directed by her. She is very independent. VERY independent.
I have found the times when I feel my daughter is being really fussy, are the times I'm not really paying attention to her. I'm too involved in something else and she is just saying 'HEY... I need you!' I've had to rethink my focus as a parent...what are my priorities.
No, I don't give her everything she demands. We do things to teach her patience, sharing, etc.... But I remember that sometimes, my computer time or newspaper reading time will just have to wait. I can't expect her to understand like an adult...I have to teach her as she is learning.
I also offer her lots of opportunities to run and get out her energy! That is important for us. I just remember to try and be consistent. She knows there are things she can not do... if she does them, there are consequences. (we use time outs and they work very well for us) Consistency is key.
Instead of looking at her as a high energy challenge... I look at her as the God-given gift she is and embrace her thirst for life and knowledge.