I worked in a day care years ago and could not understand why they would not let me have my child in the classroom.This is why. I did see him from time to time in our little school and he did well, but they do want our attention. I remember another horrible circumstance. It was one thing that my exhusband thought was nice, in that I played the piano and sang and he brought my tiny children to the piano bar late at night thinking it was cool to see mommy sing. It was horrible. The baby was about the same as yours, and kept crying. He brought him over to the bench and well the rest was history, no more piano playing...at least not for awhile in any more restaurant bars.Can you step down for a season? Or Have him stay in a different classroom (he is only 22 months after all, will that be horrible) but at not quite two years old he is probably isn't going to adjust any too quickly and you will continue to be frustrated. It is not you. It is the circumstances and the dynamics of being a mom.