I was an introverted child who was often terrified over trying new things. I remember the feeling of absolute panic and how it would grow and overwhelm me if I was "pushed". Luckily my folks gave up trying to push me after a while. I do regret that I didn't try more things as a child and I think my parents gave up instead of trying to find things I was actually interested in or would be a good fit for me. They signed me up for things I wasn't necessarily that into (baseball, ballet) and I would freeze up in panic. Art lessons would have been great for me, but I didn't get them until I was in middle school. My oldest daughter is similar personality wise but was better about trying things. I didn't push her but would go with her and sit with her so she could "check out" an activity before comitting to it. She ended up doing ballet classes and gymnastics and swimming and all kinds of things and has way more self confidence than I did. I don't know if it is anything I did differently or just different personalities. Strangely despite still being somewhat introverted I am very self-confident as an adult and enjoy performing. Good luck.