It is always hard even with a husband to survive. Educate yourself every way you can so that the challenge you face in being alone can help you make good decisions in life. You probably married too young, but only you will know that as time goes by. My first husband walked out one night never to return for someone he met at work. He left me on his 2 yr old daughter's birthday, and 31/2 yr old son. I was devastated. I did have hairdressing experience behind me and I was about 30 years old.I had not worked for awhile and hairdressing stats out not making money until you build clientele. The stress of having then found out my daughter had a kidney that did not grow and we had to go to speicalists over and over. My son was dyslexic. I am too. I was never as poor as then. I got a job and had a home. I worked one time three jobs. I grew a hair salon at home and after being self employed for three years remarried a man I thought was going to care for us all, for the rest of my life. After chasing me for 23 yearswe met before I married when I was 18.We married and joined out teams. His two girls just all about 18 month raging from 11-16. Teens, all trying to act out and break us up. After I was happy and all the children were gone, married 11 years, he left me for women he was talking to on the internet. This was another pain. He was smart executive and could pull anything over on me with his money, attorney and I had a stroke just three years before.
6 years later, I went to College online but that did not get me the corporate job I wanted. It did live me financially hurting. I however was able to pay it off because of the money in my divorce. I have opened a Day Care at home. I am raisng my granddaughter and a single parent again.
I think holding on to faith, knowing Jesus and getting into a Christian single and support group or married but Bible Study any place you can vent and brainstorm your situation. Get advice and grow your love of Jesus. He is the only real thing we have on earth. I know we usually seek him when we are afraid or lose someone but on a daily guidance is where we need and get the strength. You will cry until there are no more tears. You will be afraid many times. He is the only peace we really have. I looked for a new daddy for my children and now realize that is not where peace comes from.
I still struggle building this business only open less then a year but my peace always is in the love and grace of God.
We deserve the best life has and to give the best to our children and when a man does not provide that strength to his family I have no sympathy. I would have married someone different at 30, 40,50 and I am almost 60. Continue to work on you and believe you deserve the best and that love will spill over on the child. Take care of you always emotionally, spiritually and physically. Excersize draws energy. Go to the internet and look up the "Secret" basically tells us to focus and be grateful every day for what we have. Your daughter. Believe we deserve the best because God wants us to draw our strength from him. God Bless