Make sure you call your pediatrician and let the doctor know what is going on, ask for suggestions from the doctor since this is the provider taking care of your little one. Watch dehydration, make sure that your baby is having enough wet diapers, and getting enough hydration either breast milk or formula. Attempt feedings often especially when baby is awake. Signs of dehydration is the lethargic infant (i.e. limp like a rag doll), sunken eyes, sunken soften spot, not producing tears when baby cries and no wet diapers. Watch your baby for problems with breathing, if she makes weird noises like she is wheezing, or trying to get air in it will sound like she has a barking breath or even if she having retractions (where you can see her rib cage) if those happen take her to the emergency room, Children's Hospital (*they specialize in little people and are excellent). If this makes you feel any better, little ones get sick fast, but they get better faster. If she has any secretions or congestion sometimes if you warm her formula (luke warm and always test it before giving) that helps with thinning the mucous, even a cool mist humidifer will help. Always, always, trust your motherly gut if you feel like something is wrong get it checked out you know your child the best. Good luck to you! *** Babies always get sick in the winter***