Hi J., You need too get some professional help to deal with all the losses you are going through! First you do not need to bring him to your bed to comfort him-it is you wanting the comfort and this can lead to bigger problems in the very near future. You have to get strong and confident again-I think you were once before. This is something you must do quickly to save both you and your son and both of your lives. Crying is good but you have to know exactly what you are crying about-you sound like you are afraid to be alone again and starting over-yes that is very scary but it is time for you to do it. Get help from a counselor, person of the cloth, local advice at the public aid offices, and perhaps some of the schools (like a university) offer something- often with a small fee if that is a worry to you. Please before he gets to school age and it would be an issue of tears-where he is sleeping and how "needy" you both are in some situations. Good luck and go for it girl you are strong and you can do it!