Can you have someone come over and help you?
Even if just for 2 hours?
A neighbor, a friend, a relative, another Mom?
I assume Hubby is at work?
Did he or can he, take a week off?
There is also "Maternity" time off for men too. My Husband had that, when I had my 1st child.
Does your 2 year old nap?
Try and get a routine going for the 2 year old, to nap. If not.
But yes, your baby is real young.
Feed/nurse on-demand. Babies also get real over-tired a lot and over-stimulated. They will nap often. And they get hungry a lot.
Do you have a Moses Basket or bassinet for baby?
You can put her in that, and keep it near you.
As much as a 2 year old can understand, explain Mommy is tired, Mommy needs to take care of her body. Lay on the sofa if you can, with your 2 year old on the floor with some toys.
Or if you are not against it, put in a cute Disney movie for the 2 year old to watch. If that helps settle her.
Don't forget to eat, yourself.
And stay hydrated so you can nurse. If you are nursing.
Its OKAY... to feel tired and not want to be all 'active.' Just explain, to your 2 year old.
I did that when I had my 2nd baby, and my daughter was 3 at the time.
She understood.
Don't feel you have to be "Mary Poppins." All day.
Take a breather/rest when you can. Even if that means being a slug on the sofa.
Since you are still healing... well I had a c-section, but my Mom and Husband took turns staying at home with me for 1 week each. Thus I had 2 weeks of having "help" at home.
Don't strain yourself. Explain to your 2 year old. They won't know unless you explain to them. I did that per my daughter when I had my 2nd baby. I told her I had to take care of my incision and my tummy was sore.
She understood.