I would be pissed royal.
Document things.
Write a letter of concern to them.
This is a safety issue.
What if there were a fire?
The school is responsible.
No, this is not typical of public schools nowadays.
This would have NEVER happened, at my kids school.
My daughter one year, had had a major surgery.
She had to have limited mobility/activity for a couple of weeks.
The Teacher talked to the whole class, in a respectful way, explaining to the kids about 'surgery' and how my daughter would need extra ears and eyes... to 'help' her. And to buddy with her etc.
And to help her lift or carry heavy things.
The Teachers, take this seriously.
Yes, you have a right to be pissed.
PUT IT in writing, since they blow you off, when you tried to talk to them, verbally.
Write it in a calm diplomatic way. Not 'complaining' nor accusatory... but firmly and smartly saying, that their behavior of it is inappropriate.
Again, what if there was a fire or your son fell down or he was stuck somewhere and no one, knew?
You also teach you son, to YELL for help.
This is pathetic, on the 2nd day of Kindergarten, that the school acts this way.
It is, pathetic.