Hi C.
teach by example. it's starts with the little things, like sharing something YOU have with her. Always remembering to say thank you and really show that you mean it. Also, good idea about donating toys. When my son was 3, we always took him with us to donate toys to a shelter and now, although he is 7, he still remembers those experiences and continues to want to give to people. He points out to me that some people don't have as much as others and that we should remember those people. He is only 7 and already has a huge heart full of gratitude, again, I think it starts in the home and you build it from there. Another fun thing you can do (although she may be a little young) but you can def introduce her to it is freerice.com.. it's a cool website where kids (or adults) can log on and answer questions, with each question they get right (for example a definition of a word) they earn grains of rice. Of course it takes quite a few questions to fill up a bowl, but what's really neat for the kids is that they can get a sense of THEIR doing something to help someone else. It's an easy and fun way of teaching kids that what they do CAN matter and it's educational.
Again, your daughter is a bit young for the site, but it's worth keeping in mind for the coming years.
Good luck to you and happy holidays..