My Dad and I both recently went thru this. So collectively here is what we thought as important points.
1. If you can save the marriage do it but also recognize that not all marriages can be saved. (ex. Those who go outside the marriage generally will never quit, people dont basically change and you cant change them).
2. Church counselors dont replace marriage counselors. This may seem antireligious but we have seen some big failures here. Also, a marriage counselor isnt good if your spouse is
just not interested. Dont let the blame fall all on you. The marriage failed because 2 people couldnt make it work.
3. Dont Panic, seek your family first as a support group.
4. Friends can help but be cautious here. Beware, mutual friends or church friends tend to be tainted.
5. Yes, get a lawyer. AND BE VERY CAREFUL. Some lawyers charge flat rate, some charge time/hour. The hourly ones are more expensive. In either case you can get a good or bad lawyer who doesnt care how HE/SHE hurts you financially. You already know your soon ex will try to hurt you but so will your own lawyer.
6. When you get a lawyer, they will focus on finances, kids, etc. but you should know what battles you must win and what ones you are willing to lose. The court system will try find a just way to allow both parents to survive and that the kids are taken care of. Both parties will win and lose some, therefore you should know what battles you need to win at in order to survive/move-on going forward.
7. Start treating your spouse as a business entity. Its hard to remove our emotions, personalize our pain, etc. but if this is the path you are on, you will be better off. Time helps heal alot of things.
8. Enjoy your kids, dont put them in the middle. Of all of the bad going on realize that your kids were a positive result of your marriage.
We hope this helped. There are probably somethings we left out. But I hope you realize that you arent alone, there is some help, you will need to change and now manage these activities. But you will survive and live thru this and it is very likely that you may find that this painful event was one of the best things to ever happen to you.
Good luck and I hope your family will use this time to get closer to you as you will with them