I., You sound very defeated and that has to change. You need to impower yourself not just for you but for you children as well. If you need to leave there are women's shelters that will help you to become a stronger woman and mother. You do not have to stay in an abusive toxic relationship.
I'm glad you are seeing an attorney and hope he/she will be able to help you. Because your husband has been abusive and owns weapons, I want you to have a back up plan. Please contact this agency and see what they can do for you and your children.
Women's Shelters Located In
Women's Shelters Located In New York. New York State domestic violence programs by county ... Ontario Domestic Violence Program (800) 695-0390
Keep us posted
Dear I.,
I’m glad you mother is there for you and the children. I’m concerned about your drinking. Unless your husband is a heavy drinker too, he could use that as the excuse why he is away so much and ask for custody of your children should you file for divorce or separation at this time.
In addition to your present counseling I encourage you to get in a twelve step program as soon as possible.
If you have a safe place to go, pack and leave. If not start making a plan. Save as much money as you can and start looking for a place of your own that you can afford. As mentioned by another mama, keep in mind you are entitled to half the marital assets and child support. The reason I suggest you move out is because of the physical violence, he may not leave voluntairly.
You might also consider attending services at few different houses of worship according to your personal beliefs if you don't already have one of your own, or finding a Russian community center where you would have support groups and not feel so alone. This would be good for you, your children and your mom.
Keep us posted, you will be in my prayers.