It's weird how young people think being crass is 'pushing the envelope'. Nothing new-- it's sort of like early 90s Madonna on steroids and just as culturally irrelevant. 50 years from now, I don't think Miley or Madonna are going to be receiving the same attention as longtime artists of substance, including Billie Holliday, Ella Fitzgerald, or Nina Simone. At some point, when you continue to make sex and being provocative so 'in your face' it becomes passe because there's no real substance behind it.
While I don't think it's appropriate for youngsters, claiming to want the tour 'shut down' is some weird attempt at shielding their kids instead of just of just being an old-school parent,saying "NO, you can't go" and living with being the bad guy for a while. *It's like expecting someone else to do your parenting for you.*
If she were my daughter? I think I'd be doing a lot of soul searching about why I felt it was necessary to push my daughter into an industry that is notorious for the damage it does to young people. This didn't happen out of nowhere..... honestly, I would NEVER allow my kid to be in show business until they were graduated from school and old enough to support themselves. My job is to ensure Kiddo has a good foundation to build on, and that includes a rather typical childhood.
(Can I just add-- were the upset parents *living under a rock* for the last year?'s the parent's responsibility to research what they are buying tickets for or sending their kids to. How stupid of them!)