That's one of the older twists and turns in this case, there have been many more since that one.
To answer your question: she supposedly bought the wine BEFORE she supposedly put the baby to sleep at 6:30. Then I've heard that she SUPPOSEDLY checked on the baby again at 10:30 (but I've also heard that she didn't check on her again so there are conflicting stories). So she is saying she seen Lisa AFTER she came home from buying the wine and BEFORE passing out/blacking out. I also heard one of the news stations state that she drinks like this alot and passes out a couple times a week so this isn't unusual for her. The news station also stated that she takes anti-anxiety meds such as zanix (sp?) so the two mixed together are not a good thing.
But I honestly don't know if I believe she passed out. I think that is J. her defense because that admission was made AFTER they aired the footage of her buying the box of wine and questioning who the man with her was (it was her brother, by the way). I also think she probably suffocated the baby by accident. The two boys were sleeping with her, why not the baby too? The cadaver dog picked up the scent out of her bedroom. She wouldn't originally let the police in her room to search it, only Lisa's room + the points of entry, thus the search warrant. They also seized Lisa's blanket, glow worm, etc. stuff that suggest she was tucked into sleep (in the parents room). I also heard an investigator in the beginning state it could have been a case of accidential suffocation.
They also didn't want the boys questioned as to what they heard that night (and the boys state they heard noises) because they didn't want them further tramatized!! WTH?! you supposedly have a missing baby and you won't let your children help find her!
Now, they're showing footage of a "mystery man" that was seen carrying a baby wearing only a diaper in cold temps in the wee hours of the nights. He was first seen 3 houses down from Lisa's home. I don't think it was a live baby he was carrying (neighbors only seen an arm and leg), but I don't know? Then there was a dumpster fire along the route the mystery man took. Maybe it was the brother (the mystery man)????? I don't know. Sounds like a cover up to M..
There is a lot more info, you can google if you like. But my point is there's a lot more info that has come out about this case since the drinking admisison by the mom.
Mommy L: not to be rude, but why click on the question & answer it then if your "going to scream". The titled clearly stated what this post was regarding. Some of us ARE interested in finding out what happened and talking about what we've learned so far, nothing wrong with that.