Since I live in KC, I'm obviously following it pretty closely and I think the parents know what happened as well. I hadn't considered Post Partum until today, which sadly, would at least explain some things. They have two older boys who were home and unharmed, apparently sleeping through the entire ordeal.
I agree that the Mom does seem genuinely upset, concerned, unstable, etc., which does make me question my theory at times, but she failed a lie detector and although that's not proof, it doesn't look good. It's unlikely you fail a lie detector b/c you are nervous. They plan for that and ask lots and lots of questions so that they have control questions, etc. Plus, they are being uncooperative with the police. Additionally, they haven't even approached the father to take a lie detector test and when he volunteered they told him it was unnecessary, so they must have something on the mom.
The parents refuse to speak with local media...only national media. Really? What purpose does that serve. They say they are willing to work with KCPD, but they won't. They don't call them back, they won't go in, they won't give them what they want...I don't know what that "what" is...but it's something. These people and this situation is sketchy to say the least, and sadly it has resulted in a trajedy.
Anyway, I could go on and on, and that's not really the point of your question, but I agree it makes me sad, not scared. It does make me think about the possibility of a random crime and that does freak me out, but I try and take more precautions and be more "street" wise. We all hope and pray for her safe return as well but I fear that the more days that go by the likelihood of even knowing what happened to her is just as slim as finding her.