Let me know if you find anything. I am finishing up the school year and beginning to stay at home. I am looking for something for my son to do to play with other kids since he won't be in day care anymore. Thanks!
I have been doing a web search for groups in San Antonio for moms and babies. That is what led me to this site, but I have not been very successful finding groups. Do you know of any resources for finding something like this. Specifically, a mommy and me group or playdates, or a group of moms who walk with their kids, etc.
Let me know if you find anything. I am finishing up the school year and beginning to stay at home. I am looking for something for my son to do to play with other kids since he won't be in day care anymore. Thanks!
I totally know what you mean, and I have been looking, too. But mostly what I've found are these groups that seem like they'll be more of another CHORE than a fun thing to do! It's crazy.
My son is turning 2 this month, and I put a request in on Mamasource for moms of 2 yr olds who wants to do a weekly playdate at the park. Which worked out well.
I suggest that you request moms of 11 mo old kiddos (or thereabout)who want to meet regularly to walk, be specific about the time of day, area, etc. and I bet you'll get resonses.
I know what you mean about craving mom-friends, you need it. Good Luck!
Hey S.
What side of town do you live on?
Have you contacted the La Leche League in your area to see if they know something?
I have a one year old son. We took swim lessons which got us out of the house at least once a week. And a girl we swim with takes her son to something called Gymboree every day.
I recently moved here and am having the same problem. I have a 15 month old son and I just want to get together with other moms to have some fun. I am a stay at home mom, so anything to get me out of the house is exciting! Let me know if you want to get together some time for a paydate. Good luck!
Well Westover Hills Assembly of God has MOPS (mothers of preschoolers) The kids go to their class and the moms get to do activities in another building. I think it is from 9-12 on one Friday of the month, maybe two. They have a website www.whag.net that might give you some more information. You don't have to go to the church to attend this program. Several moms who attend don't go to the church. I have not been because I have to work so much. I really hope that this helps.
I am a part of this organization and have been for over 3 years. It has been a wonderful resource for connecting me with other moms. I am not sure where you are, but I bet there is one meeting in your area. If you have trouble figuring out which group to call on your own, just contact them via email and they will point you in the right direction. Also, many churches in the area have MOPS groups, but I think they only meet twice a month. Hope this helps!
sign up on mymommyconnection.com and join a playgroup through them
Mom's Club matches by zipcode. I joined it a month ago and love it.
Check out momsclub.org - they'll hook you up with your local group. Have been in MOMS Club in two cities and it's been great both times! Good luck!
Hi S.! I have also been looking for playgroups in San Antonio. My daughter is 18 mos old, and we're expecting another one in Jan. Which part of town do you live in? Maybe we could take walks with the kids or something.
I live on the west side over by 1604 and Potranco area.
I don't know of any groups but I'd be happy to start one. I am a military wife and pregnancy is in the water here so there are lots of kids around!
I know that there is an Encino Park playgroup. I'm not sure where you live, but if it's close to the 281/1604 area that might work for you. I think you can find information about it on the Encino Park neighborhood website.
I have 10 month old twins and a 5 year old, all boys, but work in the afternoons so I don't really get a chance to socialize with other moms either.
SanAntonioMommies.com is a free community for moms in Bexar, Comal, and Guadalupe Counties, Texas. We realize that all moms need local support -- and who can't use another friend? SanAntonioMommies.com offers a simple way to connect with local moms for friendship, support and fun. Members meet on our private discussion forums to share information on everything from where to get the best haircut to tips on transitioning to a "big kid" bed. Each month, we also offer many face-to-face events for our members, their children and their families. So come on over and join us :)
I live in the 1604/Bandera Rd area and would LOVE someone to walk with in the evenings... I work daytime and am available beginning about 5:30. I am willing to travel to an area if there is someone else looking for the same.