I have 2 year old twins and I would say move where the family is if it is at all possible. We have been lucky enough to have my parents relocate down here, but I don't know how we would have done it without them being nearby, particularly for the simple fact that we can have occassional date nights, doctors appointments, etc. and not have to deal with the babysitter issue. Not to mention the fact that it doesn't get much easier, even as they get older, hauling two little ones around by yourself...I really could go on and on, but I would just say that if the place you would be moving is tolerable to both you and your husband, do it. Having family around is something you can't make up for or replace, and not having the commute adds up to a lot of extra hours of family time. Good luck - These decisions can be so gut wrenching...And good luck with your two little ones. We have found that having twins is the most amazing thing in the world and wouldn't trade it for anything. :)