Can you figure out a pattern as to what might trigger the tantrums? Is he over-tired or hungry? Otherwise, at this age, they get frustrated very easily. They can't do what they want to do and they don't have the words to express themselves. So they scream. My daughter at that age would scream over every little thing at the drop of a hat. Eventually, after her 2nd birthday she stopped. She is now 3 and of course still has tantrums, but she is better able to tell us what she is upset about (not that we can always do much about it!). Toddlers are also very much trying to have control wherever they can and constantly being thwarted gets old quick. It is not usually over "nothing" - it may seem like nothing to us, but could be something that is a very big deal to them. Honestly, a lot of it just comes with the territory.
I think it would be helpful if you did some reading, including "The Happiest Toddler on the Block" - hopefully it will give you some insights. Why does he fall asleep crying and upset? Do you have a sleep routine in place to help ease the transition into bedtime? Do you offer him choices where you can? The key is to offer 2 choices, either of which is acceptable to you - as in, do you want to wear your red shirt or your blue one? It gives him a sense of control without allowing him to totally run the show.
Tantrums are tough because they often get so worked up they can just stop when you tell them to - they don't know how and it's actually kinda scary for them to feel so out of control. That is why it is really important for you to stay in control and try to appear as calm as you can. Every child is different, but when my daughter is having a tantrum and cannot be reasoned with, I will send her to her room. She can scream and yell all she wants, but she can't have an audience. Once she realizes that her behavior is not going to get her any attention, she calms down. I will tell her, "you are going to stay in your room until you decide to be nice!" Typically within 5 minutes she is back downstairs and a total sweetie pie.
Distraction can work wonders too - if there is a tantrum coming on, try to distract him with anything...a toy, a story, whatever works and does not act like a bribe or a reward for bad behavior (i.e. cookies).