My son breastfeeds, and we noticed as we tried bottles that he did the same, and sometimes would store up the milk and then spill it out. The bottles are going to be much faster than the breast, so that was the problem for my baby. We now feed him with the bottle either in his rocker or propped up on pillows, this is easier for him, and it distinguishes between the breast and the bottle. The bottle that my son like and my three year old also liked, is the Playtex drop in bottle. We get the brown nipples, they are closer to the feeling of the breast. I would recommend (as others have) that you primarily breast feed if you can, she will establish the milk she needs. You will not be able to pump the same amount that she can get from your breast. She will learn to take what she needs. I know that I was not able to really pump for a while because he pretty much took everything I had...but he is growing like a weed so I know he is getting what he needs.
If you do give her a bottle, they recommend that you pump at the same time...
Good luck...