My husband has been following this treatment for his asthmas and allergies for about 4mo with no improvement. The treatments are expensive and have not helped him.
Our son was diagnosed with food allergies and our chiropractor recommended another chiropractor that uses NMT. NMT resets the body so that it doesn't attack itself when dealing with stress, or anything else the body doesn't recognize. We learned a lot about how the body responds and attacks itself when it feels it is in danger. We saw results within a few treatments. I took him in every few months or when he had flare ups. The treatments are less expensive and the results last longer so you don't need as many follow-ups. My son was allergic to wheat, gluten, eggs, chocolate, berries and dairy. Almost 2yrs later he continues to be free of all allergies except dairy. The reaction is not as severe as before so I'm hoping it will eventually resolve itself.
I would also suggest consulting a homeopath. Finding a constitutional remedy for your son will help greatly.
To learn more about NMT go to
if you do a search for a practitioner ours is the first one listed(Dr. Kostanian)