Hi T.,
I started taking my son to Tuesday's Child when he was 2 1/2 for similar issues. We don't have any other children though, so that might definatel be a factor in your home- the older one kind of wondering where he stands now- having to share his things and parents' attention- that's stressful on a little one. And remember, their all ego right now too!
We had great success at Tuesday's Child as our son was and still can be extremely oppositional. I know you said you're not interested in giving out candy or making sticker charts, but you've got to find a way to a make the daily routine fun for him. If there's nothing in it for him, what's going to motivate him?
For exapmle, I have leared to always praise the good behavior and ignore the behaivor I don't like. That way my son learns that if he wants my attention he's going to have to use good behavior to get it.
Secondly, I always give him choices- its time to go to the park, do you want to put your shoes on now or in two minutes? If he says two minues, I say ok and set a timer. When the timer goes off it's time to put his shoes on. If he protests, I say Do you want to go to the park (yes)? Ok, me too- the way to get to go to the park is to put your shoes on. I really want to go to the park, can you please help me? (No!) Its time to put your shoes on, do you want to do it, or do you want me to do it? (You do it!) Ok. Then we put on shoes and off to the park we go.
Or I've also used a snack to get him moving too. For example; when you get your shoes on you can have a swedish fish. He loves those so he comes running.
The object is to get you out the door and on to your next thing without a lot of hassle. Its important to be firm, yes but its also important to have fun.
Oh and leaving time for them to have a freak out. If I'm running late, I have less patience or time for these upsets. I try and start getting ready 20 minutes before we're going to leave so that we can get out the door on time. This doesn't always happen, but it something I strive for.
Also, I would look into your son's diet. My son has suffered from 'leaky gut' for pretty much since he was born but I didn't know abou it. Its a pretty involved discussion, so I won't go into it here, but if you're interesed in checking out the info. the web address to what we're doing is www.bodyecology.com This along with Tuesday's Child has helped Ben immensely. I hope that helps.