I suspect you are having a lot of conflicting thoughts running through your head about this.
Part of you wonders about the children that could have been. Part wonders if you & your spouse would be together if the abortions didn't happen. Part wonders if you really knew your husband before this, and what role he might have had in the decisions back then.
My husband recently opened up to me about an incident in his long-past, & I am going through all sorts of questions & emotions myself.
The people saying "it's not about you" are only partially correct - because YOU are the person married to this man, who is still the same person you have always been married to, but now information may be changing perspectives of him, your relationship, yourself.
It's not always logical, but you are right, it is still there, & you need to work through those emotions.
I think posting today to put it into words is one part of processing - acknowledging the information you received, & your initial feelings about it.
I would recommend finding someone you can talk to openly about this, such as a counselor or clergy person. (A friend/family might not be best, as you need to be able to open up about how you are feeling & reacting, without having to worry about the information changing what that person thinks about you, your husband, etc)
It's hard to be strong for both of you without healing yourself first. Make sure to take time to do this, so that you aren't harboring conflicting emotions later that might get between you & your husband.
Thank you for being open & trusting us with your feelings. T.