In all honesty, I was tired, worn out, and a bit frazzled like all new mothers, after my son Ian was born in Feb. 2005.
The biggest surprise to me was that, breastfeeding is hard. I thought it would come much more naturally, and would not be so painful. In the end, it was worth it, of course. But at first I thought I was doing something wrong, or that I wasn't a made to be a mom, because it was soo hard. I didn't realize such a tiny person would have the suction power of a Dyson vacuum in their little mouth.
I thought maybe I wasn't cut out to be a mom, for a long time, because, it wasn't only breastfeeding that was hard. I was soo tired, Ian didn't want to sleep, and would have breastfed around the clock, if I let him. I was the first of my close friends to have a baby, even though I was 30 at the time, and in retrospect, I learned that my frustration, is the same that many women have.
I would have really benefitted from a support group of women with newborns, who were feeling all of the same doubts, and had the same issues that I had. New mom's, just trying to get a hand on all that is going on. It would have been great to have a group that met in a comfy atmosphere, new babies included,(not a dr's office or coffee shop), where women could really express and be themselves. It is soo hard to admit you're having difficulties being a mom, because outwardly, it seems no one else is.
***My personal tip w/breastfeeding--a lanolin balm if you & your baby aren't sensitive to wool products, and as much bra/shirt free time as your lifestyle can allow is very helpful.