I know that I have written to you before, and once again, my heart goes out to you. It sounds like you have some really great advice here, but one thing that was maybe missed is how to talk to your husband. Being a counselor who often does family theray, I know it is hard. Aswomen,we often have a difficult time expressing what we want. We tend to turn our discussions into something else. I used to yell at my husband allthe time to throw is garbage away, and he'd forget two minutes later. When I explained to him that leaving the garbage laying on the counter for me to throw away made me feel like my time is being devalued and not as important to him, he never did it again. Be clear on what you want from him and why you want it. If your needs are not being met say "My needs are not being met, and as a fmaily we are not functioning because you are not respecting my feelings" or whatever it is that you want to say. Sometimes our messages get lost. If he refuses to give you that respect,you need toreevaluate the relationship seriously. Okay, therapy session over, sorry about that, I get passionate. Good luck.