My son woke up to nurse until he was 3. I never had the energy to listen to him crying. Since you're going to tandem nurse and the baby is going to be up, does it matter if you wean at night? If you still choose too, you can say that nursing is for the tiny babies, wear a really tight shirt to bed and refuse to nurse. It takes about 3-4 days until they really get the idea that you're sticking with it. Another idea is to have your husband sleep with your daughter in a separate room for a couple of nights (if you co-sleep). That way you won't be there to ask. Some kids are very determined to keep nursing though. I weaned my son just after three and sometimes he still asks to nurse (2 months later!). Your daughter also might be thirsty in the middle of the night, so you could give her some milk (or whatever) for a while. :)