My suggestions are:
1. let her be bare-bottomed. wearing the panties makes her feel secure enough (like a diaper) to just go. She forgets she's not wearing a diaper and just goes. Stay home for a while and just let her go bare.
2. put a little potty in the room with you, wherever you are, so she can make it.
3. make sure you are reminding her every 10-15 minutes to go.
Last, and DEFINITELY not least:
4. evaluate and ascertain whether or not YOU think she's ready. Just because she's turning a certain age and your pedi thinks she's showing signs does not mean that she is emotionally ready to potty train. She's only 2, which is still very young. Most children (with some exceptions)seem to naturally potty train closer to 3. If she's just not caring if she goes all the way to the potty or not, she may just not be ready. Physical readiness and emotional readiness must both be there. While children are often physically ready at 2, they are not emotionally ready. And just because she can do it sometimes does not mean she's ready. It's okay if she's not. Don't rush her. We waited for our son to be completely ready, and he learned in just a couple of days. I think this is due in very large part to just waiting until he was ready and wanted to go on the potty. Don't be discouraged. There are many old-school doctors out there who seem to want to push it. But take it slowly, praise her for when she does go, but don't punish her in any way if she doesn't. No pressure on her. I've heard some people suggest making the child clean up the accident or clean up the panties when they do it instead of going on the potty, but I think that's absurd. It's also esteem-damaging, in my opinion - especially for a 2 year old baby.