Potty Training - Alliance, OH

Updated on April 06, 2008
A.F. asks from Alliance, OH
26 answers

My daughter is 34 months, and she does not want anything to do with the potty. She will go pee occaisonly, but she would rather just go in her pants. I do have a one year old, and i don't know if thats why she don't want to use the potty, but it is getting very fustrating. She will tell you when she's going, and what she is doing. She will wake up dry, and when i try to take her to the potty, she will pee her pants right in front of me.i have tried the charts, candy, stickers,etc. My 13 year old boy trained really easy, and i always heard boys were harder to train. Does anyone have any good suggestions? Please help!!

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So What Happened?

My daughter is doing much better!! She loves to wash out her pants!! She goes in her pants about 1-2 times a day, but sometimes its peeing herself on the way to poop in the potty. I thought that cleaning her pants would make her mad, but if she goes in her pants she will say can i wash my pants now! We are taking her to pick out her underwear tonight, if she continues to do well today.thanks for all the advise

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answers from Indianapolis on

My sister-in-law just went through this with her son. She too felt it was because of the one year old. She used the John Rosemond method and swears by it. You can just google him. She said it is really strict but worth it because she was at the end of her rope!
Good Luck!

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Terre Haute on

my daughter did the same thing..I made her wash her panties by hand everytime she pottied in them.after the first day she started going on the pot regularly..Hope this helps



answers from Elkhart on

I thought my daughter who is now almost 5 would never potty train. I pushed and pushed, did the charts, the potty time books, and Elmo, but still nothing. So I stopped pushing. I would still ask her if she had to go but I wouldn't push the issue or put her on a schedule. Very shortly after her 3rd birthday it was like a light just clicked and she wanted to go potty on the "big potty." It was so easy, almost too easy. So she was potty trained completely less than a month and it was on her time schedule and we were all happier.

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answers from Indianapolis on

The only advice that I have is that you should let her decide when she is ready for the potty. I know it is frustrating but I think that they only work on their own schedules. My daughter is 2 and has been using the potty to go pee for quite some time but she will not poop in the potty. She knows when she has to go and will come ask for a diaper or pull up so that she can go to the bathroom. I have tried to sit her on the potty when she has asked for the diaper but she screams. I have been told not to rush it and it will all work out.



answers from Columbus on

I am almost done potty training my 22 month old daughter----controversially young, i know; but she displayed all the readiness signs AND has been 90% BM trained for almost a year(that's another story). anyhow, mine would also wake up dry but whine and carry on when i told her it was time to sit on the potty.

i did not make it an option, even resorting to a swat if she refused to sit, or whined about it. i would say, "you just have to sit on the potty. after you are done, it will be my turn" i emphasized that she had to sit calmly on the pot when i said, but that she did not have to go. peeing was her choice, sitting obediently was not. then we made it fun: bubbles, special toys, games, songs with motions, showing the baby ("look, Sissy, what Momo can do!"),moving the potty to the coffee table for a special activity. i also used a timer with a pleasant ding, and of course i could set it for 5 seconds if i wanted, and she felt less that mom was controlling the situation; it was the universe giving her a sign or something. (i use it for cooking, too, and she still runs for the pot when it goes off! ;-)).

she figured out quickly that it wasn't worth it to fight sitting on the toilet, and it was actually a pretty good deal to sit there. peeing followed, and then one great day when she held it and said "potty, mama!" and we were on the homestretch. hope all that helps a little. good luck!



answers from Indianapolis on

Often, it's a matter of control. Kids who don't have much control feel that what they eat, if they sleep and when and if they go potty are the only things they can control. So they exert control in those areas. You might try giving her more control over what she wears, what she eats, what plates she uses, what you play together, etc. Then she might feel a little more in control in hr life and be willing to give up a little control on using the potty.


answers from Columbus on

I'll venture to say that many moms will disagree w/ me on this, but if the child definately has the concept --like your daughter who is telling you what she is doing-- but decides to do the opposite of what you are asking -- like your daughter is dry at night but wets right in front of you -- then it's a situation of deliberately disobeying. At this point, you can start treating it as disobedience. If you tell her that she needs to go pee in the potty but she defies you, then treat it as you would any other discipline issue.
Yes, yes, I know I may get hate emails for this on account of the theory "Only train when the child's ready" and "don't make potty training a negative experience;" and I do agree with this -- BUT, there comes a time when it's a battle of wills and it can be treated differently.

For example: Long story short (message me if you want to talk more) My son was aware of when he needed to poo, but not ready to control his pee yet (maybe age 2.5 yr). He'd run and hide when he had to poo, and was very defiant about it. Finally, when I told him that he'd be disciplined if I TOLD him to go in the potty and he refused and used his diaper, and then I followed through, he began going in the potty happily! I've read a lot about how children need to feel secure by having boundaries and knowing that the PARENT is in control.
Before age 3 he was successfully and happily potty-trained.
Hope this helps someone out there, and wish you the best with your daughter!



answers from Cleveland on

Try not to force the issue. I am a mother of 4, 3 girls and one boy. Believe it or not my son was the easiest. My 4th child, a girl, just turned 3 in Feb. All 3 of my other children were potty trained at 2 1/2. Not this last one. I even spoke with my pediatrician at her 3 yr old visit. He encouraged continuing positive reinforcement. don't turn it into a power struggle. My daughter would sit on the potty with her pants on...I would give her a sticker just for trying. We kept the sticker board in the bathroom with a bunch of stickers to pick from. I thought this is crazy especially since she did seem to know when she had to go and was dry for long periods of time. I really tried to make a big deal for every attempt and bam all of a sudden she was going. Once she started she caught on very quickly. I also let her pick out potty training dvd's and books from the library. We would read on the potty. Keep it positive! Good luck



answers from Terre Haute on

I too am having some troubles with my 26month old going potty in the toilet. She was doing well when my sister lived close by and brought her near the same age son around while they were learning things together. They are best friends. She used to go all the time, than they left state and I think she had a mental set back, due to the fact that she MISSES her BEST FRIEND! Everyone else says its because I don't stay constant with her. But also we just started babysitting my fiances sisters youngest son, who's only 5months old now and she is wanting to nurse again, pacifie on the binkie and WEAR DIAPERS...I don't know if its the whole attention thing, because I try to give her more attention while the baby is playing with my other two girls (who were very easy to train), ages now 11 soon to be 12 and 10 years of age. I hope someone gives good advice for this. Good Luck!



answers from Cleveland on

You are having the same problem as me. I have a 32 month old and a 17 month old. I think the reason why my daughter doesn't poop in the toilet is because my son isn't potty trained yet. She would pee-pee in the toilet but when it comes to having a bowel movement, it just isn't going to happen with ease. What I would do is try to get the one year old to become potty trained or at least so he/her knows the difference between boo-boo and pee-pee. Good luck.



answers from Cleveland on

Is she wearing a diaper or training pants? I let my now 4 year old wet her panties and she didn't like that wet feeling. I didn't force her to go to the potty, I just left it in the bathroom. I suggest just leaving her in big girl panties (it'll make for alot of laundry for awhile) and in the mean time, make sure she doesn't have a bladder infection that might becausing problems.



answers from Indianapolis on

She is more than old enough to be using the potty. Dont back down. Punish by timeout or confine to room, increase time each time, start with 15 minutes, when she does not go - esp in the AM when you know she has to go and she goes in her pants right there by the potty. Make her sit on it. Dont put diapers or pullups on; use underpants, make her wash out the underpants in the sink if she goes in them. Also, if you sit on the toilet and go when she is on the potty that will help her learn. Let her know that you mean business and there is no going back. She will learn.



answers from Toledo on

I am so sympathetic with you !! I just potty trained twin girls. They would do much of the same things that you are describing. It is soooooo hard to maintain your patience. I would recommend not letting her see that you are getting frustrated over the matter, children do realize that they are in control in this one situation. I don't have a lot of good advise, but I do feel your pain!



answers from Toledo on

If they are ready mentally and physically, I've had the most success by taking a day or two at home and intensely working on it. I set the timer every 30- 45 min. to remind me to have them sit on the potty. They do not wear a diaper that day, but underwear. I'm prepared to clean up messes and I reward them immediately if they succeed. Try to stay positive, but also be firm. This is in no way a formula for potty training, but if she has all the capabilities to do it, then it's definitely possible. 3 of my 6 have trained this way.



answers from Mansfield on

Hello. I'm the mother of five and potty trained four of them [our baby is only ten months old]. The best trick I've found is M&Ms. I keep a container right in the bathroom up where my children can't get it. As soon as they go [even just a tinkle] they get two or three candies.



answers from Columbus on

I know it sounds horrible but I let my daughter go in her pants. She evenually did not like the feeling of being wet with no diaper or pull up and started going in the potty. It was summer and we were outside alot. So there was never a big mess to clean up. I have also heard of rubber pants! I know that sounds strange but the rubber does not absorb the liquid and wetness sits on them. Hope things get better.



answers from Columbus on

Try having your daughter wear cloth training pants instead of pull ups or diapers. They will feel nasty when they are wet. She will want to pee in the potty so she won't have to feel that way. She's ready, she's just using her "power" over you. Preschoolers are very power aware. They know that usually Mom and Dad have the power and this is one are where they don't! I also used the "big girl panties" as a reward. When they got trained and could go 2 days without accidents, we made the trip to the store to pick out her "big girl panties." We made a big deal about it and told most everyone in the store who would listen. They were so proud. We even stopped on the way home to show Grandma. My 2nd daughter got crafty and reverted to peeing in the big girl panties, I put her right back in the trainers until she went 2 more days. She was angry, but I had something that she wanted and she was in control of whether or not she would get it. Good luck to you. This takes patience, but it sounds like you have an independent thinker, which is good in the long run!



answers from Cleveland on

My oldest was same spot you were in and at her 3yr check the doctor talked to her, not me, and told her she was too old and needed to go in the potty. Within 2 weeks she was completely trained. I think it was an authority figure other than me, plus he directed it to her, not me.



answers from Fort Wayne on

Boy have I got a trick to try passed on to me from my kids pediatritian. My children are less that 22 months apart. My daughter potty trained fairly well in 2-3 days using the big girl frilly panties. We bragged that they were so nice and pretty and grown up that we knew she didn't want to get them wet. It worked pretty well. We had the usual accidents but I was lucky enough that this helped motivate her and she was ready. Now to the porblem at hand. At 3 years old my son had absolutely no interest in potty training at all. Yes, I believe that boys train differently than girls partially because they are build physically different that girls and they are usually less mature at this age. I took this problem to my pediatritian at our next visit and she gave me this explanation and technique to try. Worked like a charm in about 4-5 days. First, you have 1 year old rival for your son's attention. You can't be in 2 places at one time but he doesn't care about that. The only time he has your undevided attention is when you have to deal with his potty training disasters. The attention is negative but none the less he has you all to himself if only for a little while. Like most 3 year olds you have to devote a lot of attention to him when your cleaning him up. Because of his size he can make it hell on you if he decides to wiggle, spuirm, twist, turn, etc. so I'll bet you're making clean up time fun just to get him to lay still. Here's the good part. First continue to encourage him to use the toilet or tell you when he needs to then REFRIDGERATE those diaper wipes. When he has an accident, lay him on the floor for safety then approach the change with military efficiency. Don't play, conjole, entertain etc. him. Be direct and to the point. Make this a very businesslike job. He WILL kick, scream, roll, flail, cry, etc. You're not being fun and the diaper wipes are cold. All in all it's a very unpleasant experience for him. When you are done, take just a few pleasant minutes just with him to give him your undivided attention and to praise and remind him that he's a big boy now and he has to (insert whatever youre teaching him about potty training.)Remind him that all this cold unpleasantness will stop once he starts using the big boy potty. Worked like a charm for my son and about 4-5 others I've shared this technique with. Pleas post your results so we can all see how this plays out. Oops, sorry I thought your little one was a boy. None the less, it works for both sexes.



answers from Columbus on

My daughter is 3.5 and we're still working at it. Let her progress at her own pace. She will use the potty when she is ready.

PS. My son, 23 mos., poops in the potty but my daughter poops in a diaper. Go figure!

Good luck and have patience. They won't go to college in a diaper.



answers from Cincinnati on

Hi A., I also have a daughter right at that same age and she is very reluctant to use the potty yet...we bought her a new one and she seemed really excited about it...but she gets on it for just a few seconds and gets right off of it. And this only occurs once or twice a week! But I have learned with my other children tyhat you cannot rush these things 'cause it just stresses you both out, plus, anyone else around. So I am not pushing her into it...I believe she will get it sometime soon 'cause she knows the difference in pee and poop and she tells me when she is 'stinky'.

I bet your daughter will start going to the potty soon, she sounds like she is beginning to understand the process, just be patient with her, she will do it when she is ready. Don't stress it, it won't do anyone any good! Good luck...wish me luck too, I'm in the same situation!! :) D. R.



answers from Columbus on

I had a problem with her going number 2 in her pants all the time. I finally told her all about going to shcool and we even went and toured a school and she met some teachers. All of a sudden she wanted to go, but I explained that she cant go to school if she doesnt go potty. I even told her I'd get her a nice backpack. When she finally started going, I registered her in preschool and she helped me choose the backpack she wanted. She had a relapse right before she started shool, I took her backpack away (she ahd been playing with it.) She straighted up right away, and has only had one slip up when she was really sick. This is my experience. I had also tried stickers, candy, etc. this is the only thing that worked.



answers from Dayton on

I'll just say this, my daughter was a close to three, amybe a little over and we did it naked. She would pee in a pullup and even in her clothes, but she was shocked when the pee hit the floor and then she had to clean it up. Sure she was naked and we were glued to the house for two weeks, but at the end of that two weeks she was potty trained.

Don't worry, A.. Every child is different. There can be a hundred experts siting a hundred statistics, but you don't have one in one hundred children. You have one in three and you are the expert where they are concerned. There is no deadline here. The only wrong thing to do to a child is not love or guide them and you got those covered, so let the rest take care of themselves.

Good Luck:)



answers from Indianapolis on


I asked my daughter what it would take for her to want to be potty trained - I knew that she didn't like to not have the attention of diaper changing anymore. We ended up going to a really nice department store and she picked out her own "big girl panties" - (of course I paid way too much for satiny silky underwear) - but, that is all it took with her. I made such a big to-do over her having picked out her own "big girl panties" and she never had another accident...

Just a thought. Hope this helps.




answers from Cleveland on

My sister JUST had the same problem w/my niece. She found a potty at Walmart that looks like a slot machine so when she goes she pulls the lever and it goes "ding, ding, ding you did it!" She loved it! Now she goes potty all the time.




answers from Columbus on

I just went through the same thing with my son who will be four in June. He had no desire to go on the potty would rather pee his pants and I tried everything. I think part of it was his connection and personal time with me. He also related to his little sister since diapers were what she had. We recently got him potty trained, and really it took him wanting to do it. I had him sit on his potty chair while watching a movie and giving him a lot to drink. The more he succeeded, the more he wanted to go.

I have also heard about a book called Potty Training in One Day. The theory behind this is making the kids do all of the work. For intance, if they pee on the floor, they have to clean in up and then sit on the potty ten times. They do this for a while and realize that it's actually easier to go on the potty. I don't know that it works for all children, but it's a good theory.

Best of luck!

A little about me: I'm a SAHM with an almost four year old and a one and a half year old.

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