I ordered mine right from Fisher Price. You can look just about EVERYTHING online now.
Hi, I need a new replacement high chair cover. Structurally, the chair is in great shape, but the cover is a mess and never looks clean anymore (the plasticy layer over the fabric is peeling off and looks terrible). Any suggestions on finding a replacement? My chair is pretty wide at the top. I'm searching online and finding very little. What I do find often doesn't come with any kind of measurements, so I have no idea if it will fit.
Thanks All. A tip from a poster (PM) lead me to look at Burlington Coat Factory. Turns out they had several that would work, and I could take one out of the package, look at it, feel it, and try it on a highchair in the store that was similar to whatI had at home to make sure it would work. Sometimes the low-tech option of just walking into the store down the street works best!
I ordered mine right from Fisher Price. You can look just about EVERYTHING online now.
Do you know the brand? Have you searched all over for a name or a number you can search? Can you take a picture and set it as your profile pic for us to see and hopefully someone can identify it?
check this out: http://www.sheetworld.com/ot-Stroller-Liners-1.htm
It's a pillow liner for a stroller, but it may work. I you decide to try it, spray it with scotch guard (I do that with my highchair because it's not plastic). Cleanup is easier.
I would check out the high chair manufacturer's website. Typically you can order replacement parts directly from them for a reasonable price. I have actually purchased a replacement cover and straps for mine (it was a hand me down and was missing the cover and straps). It was easy.
I would just make a cover for it with a towel that can be taken off and tossed in the washer. Make it like a pillowcase or use a king size pillowcase. They have flannel ones that could work.