Aren't scatter brained girls so frustrating! I have a 9 year old who is just the same. She drives my husband absolutely crazy. Being much more laid back I take it in stride. She has always been scatter brained (like my sister). What we ended up doing is at first we would stand with her and make certain that she had everything. We then started making it her responsibility to make certain that everything was together. It was a process. We started with listing everything she needed and as she would have them over time we shortened the list we would verbally go through (i.e. do you ahve your homework, gloves, hat, coat etc. to do you have everything you need?). We also started having her repeat back what we told her to do. It helps with memory as well as making certain that she actually heard what we told her. Over time (we have been working on this for 4 years but the time will vary by child) we have started redirecting her. She is now to the point that she may scatter but simply asking her what she is supposed to be doing will get her to redirect. it is so frustrating but it does seem to work (my folks used this on my sister too). Biggest thing, don't get mad or angry. Part of her behaviour is just being a kid. We all can get distracted at times. The cheerleading is actually a good idea as she will have to learn to focus and get her things together in order to remember the cheers. Also, make certain you set boundries as to what you will "clean up" for your child. One thing I finally ended up doing with my own daughter is stop bringing this she forgot to school etc for her. I took the stance that it is her responsibility to remember these items and if she gets a poor grade or can't go on a field trip etc it is not my problem. By placing responsibility on you child to keep track of things especially for outings and activities she will have no choice but to start forcing herself to remember. I can tell you that in the year that I starting placing responsibility on my daughter to remember her own stuff she has really gotten so much better. I am not getting phone calls at home to bring this or that anymore and I made her teachers and coaches aware that I would not bring things if she forgets them. My daughter no long walks out hte door without her homework or projects and is always certain to bring any costumes or items needed on her own. I do still ask the "Do you have everything?" question and she now can list off what she needed and is bringing.
Good luck and hope this helps.