My 7th and 8th graders have been in Wake County year-round schools since kindergarten. We have loved year-round for a couple of reasons. Instead of taking vacation in the summer, we are able to travel during track-out in the fall, winter, or spring, which allows more flexiblity and usually less crowded, and less expensive trips. With 3 week track-outs instead of a 2 1/2 month summer break, my kids retain more of their learning and don't have time to get "lazy" during break. It doesn't take weeks to get back in the swing of things after breaks. Day care has not been an issue because the YMCA holds track out programs at or near most schools.
The down side is now that they are in middle school and participating in sports, they must go to team practice whether they are tracked our or not. This means I have to get them to school or make arrangements for someone to get them there for after school practices even if they are tracked out. I work full-time, so that is a little hard for me.
Now, about Wake County schools vs. Chatham Co. We have been very pleased with the education our children have received in Wake Co, however with the growth in this area, there have been many, many rezoning of districts, therefore shifting kids from one school to another. We have been very lucky not to have been affected, but I've heard of some students being reassigned every year for two or three years in a row. That is not good! I don't think Chatham Co is experiencing the same growth rate as Wake, so reassignments may not be an issue there and the schools may not be as crowded.
Hope this info helps!