heres some information you wont be happy to get : it wont happen.
sleep is something that so many of us fight with, and we struggle to find out what we do wrong, what we should do about it, what our doctor tells us to do, what our friends tell us to do, what our moms tell us to do... on and on.
heres the answer you might like: do what YOU know you have to do. my son never slept through a whole night until he was 17 months old. he didnt wake up a LOT by then.... but it took that long before he had a solid night sleep schedule.
be patient. listen to your baby. she is SO YOUNG.
its quite possible that though she sleeps for a long time after formula, it causes digestive issues and that keeps her awake the rest of the night. you could try dropping the formula again and seeing if you can get her to sleep with other means. some babies need white noise playing (my son is 22 months and we STILL play a vacuum cd - for crying out loud is a great cd with 8 tracks of white noise on it) some babies NEED to be held too.
or slept with.
theres something else important that you need to know: at 6 weeks, she still doesnt understand that you and her are separate. all she knows is connection. the more you can keep that connection giong, the easier it is for her to grow and develop through into the next milestone. dont listen to advice that causes and encourage you in ANY WAY to ignore the instincts that you have. usually this includes any crying it out, leaving baby alone, not holding baby, not rocking, nursing, carrying to sleep or while sleeping.
trust me on this, the more you hold and respond to your baby now, the LESS she will cry later, and the MORE she will trust you to take care of her NEEDS :D theres no greater feeling in the world than knowing that you have fulfilled your baby's greatest need: to know and trust that you take care of her every need. if this means that she wakes up every 45 minutes for the next month, just take care of you. make sure you make time for extra sleep, going to bed earlier, getting up a little later if thats possible. i doubt that shes really missing anything yet... 6 weeks is still a little young, but its possible i spose.
again, the most important thing is to listen to YOUR instincts. any method that makes you cry, cringe, or anxious is NOT one that will work. if it gives you emotions, fears or pain, its giving baby the same. the more you can respond, the more that builds trust.
the only thing that worked for me was cosleeping. there were some nights my husband slept in the other room because our son was awake just too often. we made it through that time just fine. when you cosleep, it actually decreases SIDS (contrary to cry it out teachers) because baby actually sleeps less soundly, (follow me here) because mom is right there, and if something happens, baby awakens easier. babies who are trained to sleep alone, and deeply, will have a harder time waking up when its important.
yes, make sure that you arent under the influence of anything that would decrease your ability to awaken. and usually, lack of sleep from baby is not one of those things lol
you will naturally wake up just before or just as baby is awakening, she can latch on, and you both will go right back to sleep. there were nights when i couldnt even tell you how many times he nursed because i did it half asleep! :D
anyway, i just want to support you and let you know its normal for babies to not want to sleep for long periods, yes, if you have an instinct about it, you can take her to the doctor to rule out any ear infections, etc... but if all else fails, do what will get you all the most and best sleep. dont let disconnected people tell you whats good or bad for you and your baby, let your instincts tell you!
www.askdrsears.com is a great source for information, especially on sleep.