Our schedule goes around the kids' natural meals, naps, and preschool schedule.
I have two girls; a 4 y.o. and a 2 y.o. They like quiet time in the morning, and to watch their shows. So, that is what we do, unless it is a preschool morning (only 2 days a week), or we have an appt. somewhere. They eat breakfast, watch their shows, and play while I check email, pay bills, make phone calls, and maybe throw in some laundry. We shut the tv off after a couple of shows, and the girls play while I continue to work on my things (cleaning, organizing, prepping for my part-time job, or working on some of volunteer projects). We have lunch, and the the girls play while I clean up the kitchen, unload the dishwasher, load the dishwasher, and throw in another load of laundry or vacuum. I pick up the house as I walk around it, make the girls' beds, our bed, straighten up the bathrooms. I put the youngest down for a nap between 1 - 2 depending on her needs (I've learned if too early, she fights it). While the youngest is napping, I let the oldest play a game, watch another show, color, go outside to play, etc (depending on the weather, and what I have to get done).
I leave for my part-time job 3 days a week a little before 3. Hubby comes home around 2:30 and continues working from home. I get home around 6, and we eat dinner (most of the time hubby has cooked whatever I have pulled for dinner, sometimes if he is on a project or call, I make it). After we eat, we all go outside and play for about an hour, or we watch AFV or play a game together if the weather is bad. Then it's the normal nighttime routines of bath, books, and bed.
There are days that I am so tired that I don't do as much as others, and days I get an incredible amount done.
I feel like I do get more done now because my youngest is 2. With a 7 mos. old, you spend a lot of time just changing diapers, feeding bottles/food, cleaning that up, and 2 naps. It will keep you home a little bit more, and not allow you to get as many things done as you would expect....but, that is OKAY. They are only this young once, and being the person to be their care provider is the most important "job" there is. Let the housework go if it is too much. Don't over extend yourself to others. Learn to say no to even the fun things. Don't over run your kids around town; let them chill and play by themselves in their own house, with their own toys.
Find your mommy balance. Don't give your entire self away. You need to remain your true core self. Keep your brain active by calling other moms, meeting up at playdates, and/or volunteering to do something to help your kiddo's preschool teacher/school. What career were you in? Is that something you could do very part time to help a group of people who could USE it? Reinvent yourself if need be. And lastly, don't give yourself expectations that are really too much. That is self defeating, and you will "lose" the game. :) Congrats on an awesome adventure....it's a short one so make the most of it!!!