Seeking Other Moms from Temple Terrace/Busch Gardens Area

Updated on August 31, 2008
D.J. asks from Tampa, FL
5 answers

I'd like to meet other moms in the Temple Terrace/Busch Gardens area who would like to get together for the kids to meet and socialize.

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answers from Tampa on

Hi D.!

I'm a member of this group. We are moms from all over the Bay area and are quite active. It's free to join and these ladies are wonderful! I'm so glad I joined them after one of the other mom's told me about it when I asked for a playgroup. We are working moms and SAHM with a variety of interests.



answers from Tampa on

Hi D.-
I live in Temple Terrace and have two boys (3 yrs & 5 mths). I would love to meet other moms in our area. I do work full time though, you didn't mention if you did. I look forward to hearing from you.



answers from Tampa on

I'd love to get together. I live in the Tampa Palms area,which is pretty close to where you are. Let me know if you'd like to get together. I am a first time mom to a little girl that is 22 months old



answers from Tampa on

Hello D.,

I live in Temple Terrace and have a 3 month old son and a 13 year old daughter. I'm a stay at home mom and would like to get together.



answers from Tampa on

I'd love to get together. I just moved to Tampa from Denver for my husband's job. I'm 33 and we have a 6 month old son. I live in the Tampa Palms area and think that's pretty close to where you are. Let me know if you'd like to get together.


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