hontestly, when i read you title, wasteful was the word that came to mind, had an ocd girl friend that just trew everything in the landfill. While I don't want my house to be a landfill, i didn't like her attitude.
I really appreciated that you mentined selling, would have loved it if you were donating items.
Just wondering, what do you think will happen if people see toast crumbs on your counter or a pile of school papers on the table? Are these people you don't want to be friends with anyway? not snarky just curious.
I think hoarders don't want people around them / in their lives, so you saying you would chose to avoid people if the house isn't clean enough, seemed very similar to me. Sometimes i wonder if some hoarders start out like you and just can't maintain the high standards and go crazy. But i only get this from the TV show, I don't actually know anyone, lol or at least if they are they never let me over. ha ha.
I've got some dirty dishes in the sink which i will tackle after i make dinner, doesn't get me down, i know they will get done soon.