First take a deep breath and know that you are not a bad mom! Young children need a LOT more attention than older children. I had my first 2 close together, not quite as close as yours, but close. I felt my oldest had to grow up fast b/c the baby was coming and would need help. In about a year, when your oldest is 3, you'll look around and think...this is a little easier...then when the youngest is 3, you'll be, this is great! 3 is the magic number when they can feed themselves, spend more some time entertaining themselves, and usually are all potty trained. This is just a season of your life where it will be stressfull, but it will get easier. Now, to come up with ways to help...first, as soon as you get home, get on the floor with both for about 5-10 minutes. Tickle, hug, kiss, play, roll around, etc. If you are there with both, they are both getting some good attention from you. Then, food. So, 2 year old is messy...I have a 2 year old, I hear you! But, he CAN feed himself, so work towards meals that are more finger friendly...cheese cubes, rolled up pieces of deli meat, cherry tomatoes, cut up grapes, bananas, frozen yogurt sticks - all of that is finger friendly and not too terribly messy. Then you can feed the little one. My suggestion, and maybe you are already doing this, is to feed them both together...put both in either a high chair or booster and sit where you are next to the baby and have the older child in a chair across from you so that you can look both in the eye and talk to them. Ask questions like "do you like that cheese? good, was it fun today at school? Did you read books, etc." If you are talking to them, they will feel like they have your attention. If they both need help eating, then have 2 bowls, 2 spoons, and give one a bite, then the next a bite. The 1st one should be chewing while the 2nd gets a bite. You probably will not be able to eat at the same time as them, but again, it's only for a season. It might be nice for you and hubby to eat together when he gets home just to keep some couple time going.
But truly, the best advice I can give you is just to know that this will pass too...I remember sitting in the hallway, crying because both of my kids had woke up and were crying and I couldn't console both of them. It does get better!