Suggestions for a 4 Year Old Boy's Birthday Party

Updated on September 21, 2009
M.R. asks from New York, NY
4 answers

I'm looking for suggestions for a fun, clean, safe place to have a 4 year old birthday party near Alamo. In past years we have held his and my older son's parties at Build a Bear, SuperFranks, Picture Perfect Party and a place similar to Pump it Up in Fremont that no longer exists. I like the idea of a quick party where both the kids and parents are entertained and I don't have a huge clean-up afterwards! Thanks!

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answers from San Francisco on

Go to a local public pool. Some karate places have bday packages. Some art places, like cafe art in Livermore (clay) have party packages. Go to a pizza parlor, get a private room, and hire an entertainer to come make balloon animals or do magic. I think the Hornet air craft carrier in Alameda has bday packages. One year when my mom died and I couldnt plan my way out of a paper bag and the bday was days away- i needed an idea quick. We contacted our closest freinds, went to mcdonalds and bought everyone a cheesburger and used the play structure area (take a bday cake and a gallon of punch and utensils with you).The kids liked this one- and it was a free room! The zoo might have bday pkgs, and doesnt concord have a little farm w/ a petting animal area? Altamont raceway might be an option for boys- for our son we let him invite 1-3 children and we go do something fun, like the train in felton, ardenwood in fremont, or the raceway in livermore. we bring along cupcakes in a tupperware container- this is how we celebrate birthdays.We like it so much better than parties, and no big mess and it is fun for us adults too.



answers from San Francisco on

Hi M. -

You can take a look at Gymboree Play and Music in Lafayette. We get lots of people from the Alamo/Walnut Creek area. We are right on Mt. Diablo Blvd. across from where the new library is being built. Our parties are $250 for 1.5 hours and we keep the food very simple -you bring cake, juice and water for adults! Some people have done playtime only at our site and then taken everyone for pizza at Mangia. If you are interested in getting more information, please feel free to email me at or check out our website which is

J. F.

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