I have some suggestions:
**Make sure you're getting him up at the same time each morning, and the earlier the better. I know it's so easy to sleep in, but once we got our daughter on a schedule on getting up at the same time every day, getting her to bed at night became less and less of a battle.
**For his night-time bottle: put in 2 squirts of mylicon and a spoonful or two of cereal into his bottle. My husband and I call this "Slipping him a mickey".
**While you're giving him his bottle, make sure you're in a dimly lit room, calm soothing music playing or something soothing like "Finding Nemo" - that was our oldest daughter's favorite "calm down" thing.
**Keep trying the nuk. It's a natural reflex for kids to want to suck on something because it's soothing to them. You might have to try a few different brands before you find one he likes.
**Get a humidifier for his room. Sunbeam makes one with a nightlight that shines up through the tank (it's also available as a generic at Walgreen's under their private label stuff). The sound of that is soothing too, and the nightlight isn't bright enough that it'll keep him up or wake him up, but is bright enough for you to be able to go in and check on him during the night.
**Something else to create "white noise" might be good too like a fan. Not a heater/fan, just a fan that blows air, and on a low setting.
These were things that helped both our daughters - hope they'll help for your little guy.
For what it's worth, and good luck!